A Letter from Cass about the Project
When I founded Girl North Studios, it was upon the principle that we would be a collaborative space for women to helm projects of all kinds. I am so proud of the work we have done to support women and girls in film, but it has always been my deep ambition to do more.
The Girl North Project exists as a means to support and uplift organizations and initiatives I believe are changing the world for women and girls. In addition, our own initiatives such as the Girl North Food Program ensure that our efforts to become a more sustainable and globally conscious company are met with affirmative action.
As I write this, our organization currently runs off independent studio profits and donations. The best way to back our efforts to continue to aid the organizations we love is to consume our work and champion our studio. You can also individually donate to the organizations we support by visiting this page and using the links on our working timeline (below) or following our social media accounts to receive updates on the causes we reinforce.
Thank you for your continued passion in the ongoing work that is empowering women and girls through the support of our studio.
With love,
Cassaundra Sloan, Founder
A Timeline of Our Work
October 2022
December 2022
January 2023
September/October 2023
October 2023
June 2024
Girl North Studios announces our "Eco Promise," 7 Key Ways we are keeping ourselves environmentally accountable, committing to the Girl North Food Program under the Girl North Project.
The Girl North Project commits to supporting the fight for women's rights in Iran with a one-time donation to United 4 Iran.
The Girl North Project supports the Malala Fund by backing donations through grant investments.
The Girl North Project reinforces support for women's rights in Iran with a one-time donation to the Independent Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).
The Girl North Project supports the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) with a single donation to the "Urgent Relief for Gaza's Children" campaign.
The Girl North Project supports medical aid in Gaza with a one-time donation to Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP).